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The Cause

Depression is one of the most common human experiences. In fact, 5% of the world’s population or 1 in 17 Singaporeans will experience depression at least once in their lifetime. It has also been found that depression is the most common mental illness yet more than half of the affected do not seek treatment for fear of ridicule.

As many as 1 in 4 young people between 18 – 25 years old show signs and symptoms of depression which includes extreme irritability, anxiety, anger management issues, loss of interest or thoughts of death or suicide. In adults, depression gets harder to spot but the physical signs such as insomnia, debilitating fatigue, weight loss and difficulty in concentrating are still visible.

Depression can be caused by external reasons that are not within our control – trauma, physical or sexual abuse, or a life event such as the demise of a loved one.

How Can Essential Oils Help with Depression?

Aromatherapy treatments have a wonderful energising, uplifting effect on the nervous system. Essential oils can trigger an impulse to the brain through the olfactory nerve which sends signals to the brain to control emotions, mood, pain, pleasure and behaviour.

Here are some of the oils you can experiment with to help cope with the symptoms of depression:

Essential Oils for Depression







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Ways to Avoid Depression

Leading a healthy lifestyle also prevents depression. Regular exercise helps releases endorphins that helps in uplifting the mood. During the night, minimize work and have enough sleep so that the body is given enough rest to recuperate from the daily stressors. Inadequate sleep can cause irritability and stress that directly affect the mental health and emotional balance.

Lastly, do more of things that make you happy to occupy and distract yourself from over thinking. 
