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To keep skin soft and supple, our body produces natural oil known as sebum. When too much sebum is produced, it may cause acne.

Oily skin type is characterized by:

Enlarged pores
Blackheads, pimples, or other blemishes
Dull or shiny complexion

Causes of Oily Skin

Two main factors contributing to oily skin are hormones and genetics. During puberty or stressful period, fluctuating hormones can result in increased androgen level. The higher amount of androgens present, the more sebum is funnelled through the pores and it sits on the surface of the skin, creating an oily sheen. This excess oil is trapped in the pore and combine with dead skin cells and bacteria on the surface of the skin and inside the pore, pimples, blackheads, and other blemishes will form. There is also some genetic inheritance in the family that some people will naturally have oiler skin.

Essential Oil for Oily Skin

Essential oils that have astringent and skin balancing properties are good for treating oily skin type.

Tea Tree (more info | product) has astringent properties that work in minimizing and regulating excess sebum production in the skin

Rosemary (more info | product) helps to balance oily skin and its powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties prevent oily skin related issues such as blackhead and acne.

Neroli (more info | product) and Cedarwood help in controlling sebum production and aid in healing skin inflammation conditions such as eczema and acne.

Lemon (more infoproduct) helps in tightening large pores and keep skin fresh and skin. Its strong antibacterial properties make it effective against acne and blackhead.

Jojoba oilis extremely light and the nearest in molecular structure to our natural sebum. When applying jojoba oil to the skin, it mixes with our own sebum, dissolves excess oil and hence balances sebum production.

To use jojoba oil on face, massage 3-4 drops of pure jojoba oil onto your face until fully absorbed and continue with your normal daily skin care routine.

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Additional Skincare Tips

Exfoliate with a gentle scrub once a week to prevent pores from clogging.
Find the right skincare products for oily skin type.
Avoid pore-clogging makeup and look for lighter textures and keywords like oil-control or mattifyin
