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Vetiver - Benefits and Uses

Essential Oil Profile

Botanical name: Chrysopogon zizanioides
Country of origin: India
Extraction method: Steam-distillation or solvent extraction
Scent profile: Dry, earthy, woody, leathery and smoky          


Therapeutic properties/ Health benefits

Vetiveraids in improving alertness and improves brain functions. It also helps to regulate breathing when sleeping.Vetivercontains antioxidants that helps cleanse the body and slows down the ageing process.Vetivercan aid in nerve and circulation problems as well as stomach pains.

Vetiveris sometimes applied directly to the skin for relieving stress, as well as for emotional traumas and shock, lice, and repelling insects. It is also used for arthritis, stings, and burns.Vetiveris sometimes inhaled as aromatherapy for nervousness, insomnia, and joint and muscle pain.

Vetiver oilis a wonderful essential oil for sleep and relaxation, and it may assist in getting your body the rest it requires.Vetiver oilis popularly used in massages because of its grounding properties.


Increases alertness

Regulates breathing

Reduces fatigue

Contains antioxidants

Soothes anxiety

Toxic to ticks


Regulates nerve circulation


Eases stomach aches

Vetiver in Skincare

Many essential oils are often used or infused into make-up routines as many of them provide benefits to the skin. In this case, Vetiver, provides a variety of benefits to the skin. For example, Vetiver helps to moisturise and hydrate the skin. Using it as a second step to moisturiser as part of your night routine would be very beneficial to your skin. Vetiver also helps to tighten your facial pores and reduces oiliness. Applying a few drops of Vetiver oil to your face will help tone and tighten your face and this will allow you to reduce the amount of primer you put on prior to your full face of make-up.

How to use

Like most essential oils, Vetiver oil is mostly used as an aromatherapy agent. There are many ways that you can use these essential oils, but we recommend using them:

In a water mist diffuser

  • Water mist diffusers are perfect when using essential oils. Our Ultrasonic mist diffuser is the perfect device when using essential oils as an aromatherapy agent. The device has a marker to show you the right amount of clean water that is to be poured in. Then you can go ahead and add 15-20 drops of essential oil, in this case, Vetiver essential oil, into the diffuser.

In a candle/electric oil burner

  • candle/electric oil burners are the next best way to use essential oils as an aromatherapy agent. Perfect for small room all the way to living rooms depending on the size of the burner you purchase. Remember to fill the depth of the bowl ¾ full of hot/warm water then proceed to drop 5-15 drops of essential oil into the water depending on the size and depth of the bowl. For electric burners, make sure to purchase a light bulb if not provided, and for the candle burners, use tea light candles that complement the size of the tunnel of the burner.

 In baths or inhalation

  • There are various ways that you can use essential oils during your baths. You can add them to DIY bath bombs, or you can use essential oil infused body wash as well. Adding 10-15 drops of a specific blend of essential oils to bath bombs can completely change your bath experience.

DIY Blends (be sure to mix with carrier oils)

This specific blend smells just like the outdoors. If you can’t reach nature, let Nature reach you.

3 drops of Vetiver essential oil

5 drops of Lavender essential oil

4 drops of Lemon essential oil

Use this blend for a soothing relaxing bath especially if you don’t have the time to make your own bath bomb.

4 drops of bergamot and geranium essential oil each

2 drops of vetiver essential oil

Precautions to take with Vetiver

Vetiver has generally been deemed safe to consume in food amounts and mouth; however, some studies have shown that Vetiver may be unsafe for consumption during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Vetiver has shown signs of potentially causing a miscarriage. There have not been enough studies to prove or show that Vetiver is injurious to a breast-feeding infant’s health but to be safe do avoid it. Keep in mind that natural/organic products may not always be good in any amount. There has not been enough studies done to determine the safe dosage intake amount in accordance to the demographics of a human, which is why we advise you to carefully follow directions on the labels of the products you use.

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