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Depression: Can Essential Oil and Aromatherapy Help?

Can aromatherapy, with the right essential oil, really cure depression? Should people struggling with their mental health rely on essential oils?

Essential oils are extracts from plants that are high in concentration. They are traditionally used for medicinal reasons, such as relieving neck and body pain or as a mosquito repellent. Nevertheless, there are essential oils that are used by some people for treating their depression through aromatherapy.

So, should you use aromatherapy or essential oils to cure depression?

Complementary Therapy

Aromatherapy or essential oils are not medications for depression. They should not be used as replacements to conventional medicines, like antidepressants and behavioural therapy.

However, it cannot be denied that these essential oils have positive effects to the mental health that can benefit depression patients. Therefore, they can be used as complementary therapy. Patients have to make sure that they consult their doctors first before deciding to use aromatherapy.

So, are there scientific studies that can back up the claim that essential oils can be helpful to depressed individuals?

Here are some of them:

  •      2016 study observed that inhaling lavender helped in enhancing the sleep cycle of college students who struggled with sleep. It is a known fact that sleep disturbances can be the result of depression.
  •      Another study revealed thatAsarum heterotropoides, an essential oil, could reduce mice behaviours that resembled how depressed human behave.
  •      Research also showed that essential oils have the potential to decrease anxiety disorder symptoms. It is also worth noting that these symptoms usually appear alongside depression. According to researchers, 43% of people who are struggling with stress and anxiety normally use aromatherapy and other alternative methods to aid in managing these symptoms.
  •      Other studies encouraged that essentials oils may be helpful in relieving symptoms of depression. They may enhance sleep, improve mood, and help sustain a good quality of life.

consult experts first

Consult Experts First

Just like with other kinds of alternative treatments, make sure to use essential oils properly. If you are decided that you want to try aromatherapy in the hope that it may help relieve depression, consult your doctor first. Your safety must be the primary concern.

Moreover, when buying essential oils for aromatherapy, only trust reliable sources. For pure essential oils in Singapore, go visit Hysses. You should beware of fake essential oils that can harm your health.
